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How to Recognize Gambling Addiction

Any addiction is quite easy to recognize following the main principle - too much is not too good. The matter isn't solely about money, it's closely connected with time issues as well. The thing is, free games have revealed a betting opportunity not only for smart beginners, but also for unchangeable free gamblers. Let's speak Several Words About Problem Gambling.

Symptoms & Signs

The golden rule of wagering is never to exceed a budget. Going over the limit while chasing losses or waiting for a winning streak is really a bad sign meaning you must be having serious self-control problems. Another important symptom is no sensibility and little interest in consequences. One more warning includes lies paired with mood disorders, which are to make players aware of reaching the line that is better not to be crossed.

World's Biggest Gambling Countries

It's no news that the gambling industry is huge and constantly growing, discovering new geographical markets as well as new penetration methods, e.g. smartphones, tablets, etc. For example, in Britain about 73% of adults play casino games at least once a year. Still, it's the US that has the biggest market of over $140 billion. China follows America - on the brink of a hundred, while the markets in Japan, Italy, Britain and Australia are estimated from $20 to $30 billion.














Nations at Risk: Australia, Spain, New Zealand

Numerous surveys are carried out annually with the key goal of finding out and solving main problems. Hot Spaniards are reported to take a lot of betting risks at lotteries, horse racing as well as football and racing pools, spending about 15% of average income. According to a 2014 Statista study, Australia had the highest losses per person - more than $1,000. Its neighbour over the Tasman sea, New Zealand, stated a reduction of players, stressing that most of them were recreational.

How to Overcome Problem Gambling

Psychologists point out that the first step of overcoming any problem is admitting it, as denial is human's nature. Despite all inner strength, sometimes it's good to have someone to turn to or rely on as in a support group. Also, there are lots of professionals out there to give the expert help and medications, if necessary. To be on the safe side, turn on your intuition and common sense to be rational.

Advice and Guidance

The best recommendation from professional players and psyschiatrists is to be responsible when betting. Though, in most cases, it's really fun and recreational, some people unconsciously cross the dangerous border. Mark Zuckenberg once said, The only strategy to fail is not taking risks. Be smart making worthy choices.

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